
Christianity is a religion. Religions are super-natural and a religion is a set of practices such as praying and attending Mass. Belief is also part and parcel of religion. Christians believe in God – a supreme being. God is a human(like the Angels, Devils and Saints of Christianity). The man that is God ascended the Hierarchy of Life to the Station of God. No-one is higher than God. This supreme God is the highest god and is the same God of Islam, Buddhism and Shinto(and more).

Roman Orthodoxy –

On the 21st of January A.D. 2024 the Pope(Pope Francis) instituted Roman Orthodox Christianity.

Prayer- Christians pray to Heaven. Prayer can be contemplative or spoken. Contemplative Prayer is special and is desired of all Christians of the Roman Orthodox Church. Contemplative Prayer is super-natural and it has a special way of working. During Contemplative Prayer Heaven speaks to us silently. When prayer is spoken it can be aloud, quietly or silently. Two examples of prayers are the Lord’s Prayer and the Angel’s Prayer.

The Lord’s Prayer:

Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on Earth as it

is in Heaven. Give us this Day our daily bread and

forgive us our Trespasses as we forgive those that

trespass against us. Lead us not into Temptation

but Deliver us from Evil. Amen.

The Angel’s Prayer:

I pray for God.

It is God’s wish that Christians don’t forget to pray for the Angels of Heaven and the Devils of Hell. We should Pray for all life.

Sin –

Know that all wrong-doing is sinful. Even inaction is sinful in God’s eyes. Sin can be anything from murdering a man to drinking too much tea. Sin leads to Hell and Punishment.

Punishment –

People are punished for their sins. Anything negative about a person is punishment – such as itchiness, drooling, scratching, head-ache, mutism, depression, unpleasant smell, bad breath are punishments for sins committed.  Also, anything negative in your city, home and workplace are also punishment for sin – so high-rent, high immigration, poor city services and poor governance are punishments from God for sins committed. Christians speak of “Temporal Punishment”, this is simply punishment over a span of time.

Penance –

Penance is a deed that a person does for sin. Penance is action to right the Balance of the Soul. Penance can be the repeated uttering of the Lord’s Prayer and sitting or kneeling in a Church. Penance can be a Joy though it can be hard.

The Holy Bible –

The original Holy Bible is the sacred book of Christianity but it has been communicated that the Holy Christian Bible is a corrupted Jewish text. However, there are important sacred passages in the Holy Bible. The Holy Bible is the sacred book of the Roman Orthodox Church.

Holy Oil and Holy Water –

Holy Oil is used for Anointing foreheads and other body-parts. Holy Water is used to bring super-natural Goodness to a person by Blessing people, items and places. Holy Water can be sprinkled in a room to rid the room of Evil. It can be placed on the fingers(like Holy Anointing Oil) and put on a person with the Sign of the Cross. Holy Oil is used to cure the sick. Both Holy Oil and Holy Water work super-naturally.

To make Holy Oil and Holy Water simply put some cooking oil or tap-water into a bowl and wait for God to work then use as required.

Heaven & Hell –

Heaven and Hell are places that are in a different super-natural dimension to Earth. Souls are sent to both of these places by God. Heaven is a place of Goodness and Hell is a place of Torment. If you are Good in life then your Soul will be sent to Heaven and if you are bad in Life then your Soul will be sent to Hell.

Saints –

Saints are people that have been exceptionally good in Life. There are many of them and some continue to work for people from Heaven.

Angels & Devils –

Angels are Heavenly beings. All Angels were once Human but have been elevated to the Station of Divine-being. Devils are Hellish beings and Deliver Temporal Punishment – all Evil that is done by Devils is virtuous Evil(that is to say evil which is done to deserving persons for Sin). Devils cannot hurt all persons owing to Virtue.

Vice and Virtue –

Vice and Virtue are Evil and Goodness. To enter Heaven Virtue is required. The Heavens forbid Vice.

The Holy Family –

The Holy Family consists of St. Anne and her husband. St. Anne’s daughter named Mary. Mary’s husband who is named Joseph and of course, Jesus Christ. Christians should seek to be like the Holy Family in all that they do, think, feel and say.

Our Sacred Drink –

Red wine is the Sacred drink of Christianity. Jesus drank red wine at the Last Supper and he turned water to wine at Cana.

Occasions of the Church –

The Church Year begins at Christmas and this is an Occasion of the Church. Other Occasions are Easter, Pentecost and Triduum. During Christmas, Gifts are given and people receive Visitors into their Homes. Gifts are given because on Jesus birth, the Three Wise-men visited baby Jesus and gave him gifts of gold, Frankincense and Mir. There are a seven Occasions of the Church.

Attainment –

The Holy Family, Saints and God form a category of beings. They have attained a Station in Life and this Station is Attainment. Attainment is to be the goal of all Christians.

Christian Straw – In Churches at Christmas straw is placed in Cribs. It is a habit for some Christians to take some of this straw, as having Crib-straw brings the Holy Family into your life and ensures that your purse or wallet is never empty.